In the world today there seems to be an emphasis on “Being the Greatest” or “Being the Best”. I see it everywhere, in schools, in universities, on the job, on television, in movies, even in the arts. In fact, we even reward those who we identify as the “Greatest or Best”. Best in class, best qualified, greatest performer, greatest athlete, etc. Do we dare say the definition has changed? Yes, because being the greatest or the best has changed from servanthood to a competition. And the winner is …….. the one who achieves the most. Really?
What is true greatness?
Being great isn’t about obtaining wealth, prestige, authority or power. Being great is about servanthood and character. How do I know this? Well, the disciples themselves ask Jesus this same question – Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven? Matthew 18:1. His answer may surprise you. It wasn’t one of the religious leaders of the day, or a rich prominent person, or even one of his disciples. Instead Jesus selected a little child. (verse 2)
What qualified the child as great?
Reading further in Matthew (verse 3 in the Everyday Life Bible translation) the characteristics of a child are identified. They are trusting, lowly, loving and forgiving.
– Trusting means having complete confidence in or reliance on the character, ability, strength and truth
– Lowly means not to put yourself above others being free from self-assertive pride
– Loving means to feel or show warm regards for one another
– Forgiving means to allow room for error or weakness, without offenses or feeling resentment for one another
How can we be one of the greatest in the Kingdom of God?
Jesus answers that question in verses 3 & 4. “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted (change your character) and become as little children (trusting, lowly, loving and forgiving), ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble (reflect a spirit of submission, not proud, arrogant or haughty) himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Let’s make a point every day to remind ourselves what being the greatest really means. And the winner will be ……. The Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because in being the greatest, you will have put on His character and become His light unto the world revealing who really is the greatest, Jesus.